Sometimes, situations arise where you need to cancel a sale on your Primefy establishment. Whether it's due to a duplicate order, lack of inventory, or any other reason, we're here to make the sale cancellation process straightforward for you.
Here's how to cancel a sale on Primefy step by step:
1. Access the "Sales" Tab: Log in to your Primefy account and go to the "Sales" tab in the left-hand side menu. There, you'll find a list of all your recent sales.
2. Select the Sale: Locate the sale you wish to cancel in the list. Remember that the sale needs to be in the "pending" state for you to cancel it. Click on the sale to view its details.
3. Sale Details: On the sale details page, you'll have access to essential information about the sale, including the payment, buyer, and associated fees.
4. Cancel the Sale: In the upper right corner of the sale details page, you'll find a button with the option "Cancel Sale." Click this button to initiate the cancellation process.
5. Confirmation: You'll receive a confirmation message asking you to confirm the cancellation. Be sure to review all the information as the cancellation is irreversible.
There you go, your sale has been canceled!
After completing these steps, the sale will be canceled, and its status will be updated to reflect the cancellation.
Make sure to act responsibly when canceling a sale and always maintain accurate records of transactions. Sale cancellations should be an exceptional measure and used only when necessary.
If you have additional questions or encounter issues while canceling a sale, don't hesitate to contact Primefy support for assistance. We hope this guide has been helpful in helping you understand how to cancel sales on the Primefy platform.